Entrada About the sessions

Contacts and appointments

Contacts and appointments

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 About the Psychological Counseling...


The psychology / psychotherapeutic sessions are intended for all people who want:  

  • promote their psychological well-being  
  • promote the development of personal resources to deal with problematic situations
  • get help in the resolution of psychological problems, whether in the context of emotional disturbances, relational difficulties, problems of school/ academic/work adaptation, problems of family adaptation, among others... 
  • promote self-knowledge and help in the exploration of career opportunities and decision-making process.


 First Session: Over 60min. 

Following Sessions: Around 50min.


About the sessions:  

In the first session, we assess the reasons that bring you to the session.

In the first sessions, we usually applied some psychological tests that help us understanding the symptoms, behaviors and feelings presented. These are, therefore, an asset in making clinical decisions and in monitoring the change process.

If the client requires a specific intervention that the service cannot provide, we will referral to other appropriate services. 

The following sessions are for psychological intervention /follow up. The total number of sessions depends on the specific characteristics of each clinical case. 


Check here the prices for psychological sessions (you can also check here)




If you want to schedule a session, you can do it...

- by phone ( +351 291 209 498 | +351  91 81 59 467)

- by filling the online form [adults] [children/teenagers].



If you can not attend the scheduled appointment, please let us know, preferably 24 hours in advance.



Clarify doubts...

  The search for psychological help is often mediated by many doubts and hesitations.

Check some of the common questions; 

Read what our clients say about psychological support "Relatos na Primeira Pessoa" (in Portuguese);

Check a facebook album about the topic.   


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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