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University Students 

Available Services

Download here the flyer with the services available. 


Many are the challenges faced by the college students in their academic journey. You don´t need to have a problem to benefit from these services. These services can help you develop, refine, and train a set of personal skills and competencies that can help you be better at what you do. 



Brief Appointments  

Brief appointments (individual and/or in group) are available free of charge to all students of the University of Madeira. These appointments could be scheduled by email [to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ] and / or phone call [+351 91 81 59 467].

Differently from the psychological counseling sessions, it last around 30 minutes and are focused on a specific problem. 

They serve the purpose of clarifying doubts and questions, supporting problem solving and decision-making, providing self-help material, identifying resources, referring to psychological sessions and other services, among others.

Where do the brief appointments take place?  

  • Campus Universitário da Penteada: Tuesday - Thursday from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm (Room 2.135, floor 2)  
  • Colégio dos Jesuítas, Rua do Castanheiro, Monday to Friday, from 2.00 pm to 5.30 am. 


Workshops for University Students [Know more]

The workshops for university students aim to help develop and enhance personal skills (such as assertiveness, problem-solving ability, conflict management, time management, coping with anxiety etc.).    


| Psychological and Vocational Counseling [more information here]


| Self Help Resources 

Resources that address different aspects of the academic journey, are available in Portuguese and in English. Please check for more information the available materials.Â